Thursday, July 13, 2006

Well, I'm almost into the home stretch, with crocheting this rippled afghan for my cousin Pam's new little bundle of joy. I've only been working on it, since January. *blushes* Pam had a healthy 9 lb 3 oz baby girl, on the 7th of July. She named her Rileigh Elizabeth. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 08, 2006

A new list on my blog.

Hey ya'll,

If you'll check out the side menu on my blog, I've now got a list called my "W.I.P.'s", or Works in Progress. I've found an awesome site, where I can get percentage bars, to show how much of a percentage of the work that I've done, for whatever knitting or crochet project that I'm working on. I think that it'll be looking better for my online friends in the different yahoo groups that I'm in, to keep track as to how I'm getting along with stuff like that

Friday, June 09, 2006

New web link, & cleaning out my comment box.

Hi everybody,

You're probably wondering why you are seeing "My Cousin Pete's Band," in my misc. site links. My cousin Pete has this band called "Loudlove," and they are a band from the Ottawa area. My cousin Tori sent me a couple of links to the band's site, of them singing one song called "Breathe," which was performed on Rogers daytime, around mid-May. Pete is the lead singer, and does guitar & studio drum tracks too. Take a link to the streaming audio page, and take a listen to some of the tracks, which can be found at: Loudlove's Streaming Audio Page.

To some of the visitors to my blog, I had to do some "Spring housecleaning," of sorts. I just had to clean out my comment box, because of some garbage posts. Some people have too much time on their hands as far as I'm concerned, to be making posts to sites, that are considered to be offensive to some people. So, I hope that y'all appreciate the fact that I'm keeping this site clean of any crude comments.


Sunday, April 09, 2006

Thank you, Dot:-)

Hi everyone,

I just found the awesomest web blog online, for some very beautiful patterns, it's called "Patterns by Dot." You will be able to find it, under blogs that I read, and then click on the "Patterns by Dot," button.

Dot has been very kind, to allow me to post a link to her blog, on mine. One of my first patterns that I'll try from Dot's blog, is her extend-a-bag, pattern. I think that it would be a nice thing to do for a friend's birthday, which is next month.

Once again Dot, thank you so much, for allowing me to post a link to your blog:-D *HUGS*


Friday, April 07, 2006

One of my first projects, done on DPN's.

Hi Everyone,

This is another recent project that I'd completed, last month. I knitted these, for my friend Caroline. They are called E-Z Knit, E-Z Fit tube socks.

Caroline had come to me, and asked if I could knit her some things, with the yarn. They were done with a 4-play, worsted weight yarn, and you can find the pattern for them, in my favorite knitting links section, to your right.

I actually ended up having to knit the last one on my 16' circular needles, because I was having trouble, doing them with my DPN's. LOL

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Valentine's Day KAL

Hello again, everyone.

This is a photo of a dish cloth that I've knitted, as part of the Valentine's Day KAL (Knit Along) that I'm taking part in, on Busy Knitting, which is a Yahoo group that I'm in.

I've already started the matching kitchen hand towel for it, and will post a pic of that when I'm done.

Have a great day, everyone:-)

My latest crochet project

Hi everybody,

This is a photo of the rippled baby afghan that I've been working on for my cousin Pam, who's expecting her second child. I've also done one in something of a pretty mint green color too, for my other cousin Natalie, who's expecting her third child. The link for the pattern, can be found in my favorite crochet links section.

Bev Qualheim of Bev's Country Cottage is the lady who designed the pattern, and has been kind enough to allow me to post a link to this pattern.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

My five weird habits.

Hi everyone,

One lady on one of my Yahoo groups asked if I would post 5 of my weirdest habits, so here goes:

  1. Drinking milk, mixed with pepsi or coke (Think back to Laverne & Shirley).
  2. Snorting when I laugh.
  3. Checking to make sure that the door in my apartment is locked about a million times, before I go to bed.
  4. Making sure that my electrical appliances are unplugged, before I head out the door.
  5. Last but not least, waiting until my kitchen sink is piled high with dishes, before I wash them *Blushes with embarassement*